Opti ProBio

(4 opini)

Unique global formula. OptiProBio® synbiotic.


Synbiotic = Probiotic (18 selected, healthy pro-biotic bacteria, as many as 450 BILLION live cultures of colony-forming bacteria in 1 dose = 5 grams) + Prebiotic (food for healthy probiotic bacteria - inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharides).


Additionally, it contains vitamins from B group of natural origin - 100% NRV (Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12)


Zinc 100% RWS and Selenium 100% RWS. (RWS - Reference Intake Values)


Additionally, it contains defatted golden flax seeds as a vital fiber.


price: 336.69 PLN | 238pts


SYNBIOSIS of probiotic bacteria and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).

The ingredients of the Opti ProBio® formula support immunity, peristalsis of the intestinal system, increase the volume of the unlucky mass - the health of the intestinal system.

Opti ProBio® contains probiotic acidophilic strains of lactobacilli and intestinal bacteria, mainly of the following types: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium. Probiotics - active microorganisms, when given in the right amount, have a positive effect on human health (according to WHO). Probiotics are produced, among others, by acetic and lactic acid - compounds antagonistic to intestinal harmful microorganisms.
Linen supports the peristalsis of the intestinal system, increases the volume of fecal mass.

Zinc helps in maintaining the proper acid-base balance and proper carbohydrate metabolism; macronutrient metabolism; fatty acid metabolism; contributes to the maintenance of normal vitamin A metabolism; helps in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Selenium helps in the proper functioning of the immune system.



flax seeds Semen line powder;

inulin (FOS) from Smallanthus sonchifolius polymnia root;


Microorganisms of the genus Lactobacillus:

L. acidophilusSGL11 (2x1011 CFU / g);
L. plantarum SGL07 (4x1011 CFU / g);
L. casei SGL15 (3x1011 CFU / g);
L. rhamnosusSGL06 (2x1011 CFU / g);
L. paracasei SGL04 (4x1011 CFU / g);
L. salivariusSGL 16 (3x1011 CFU / g);
reuteri SGL01 (3x1011CFU / g);
SGL10 fermentum (3x1011 CFU / g);
gasseri SGl 09 (3x1011 CFU / g);
bulgaricus Lb 33 (3x1011 CFU / g);
helveticus Lh 33 (3x1011 CFU / g);
Microorganisms of the genus Bifidobacterium:

B. lactisBl-04 (4.5x1011 CFU / g);
B. breveBb-03 (3x1011 CFU / g);
B. longumSGB05 (1x1011 CFU / g);
infantis BI-03 (3x1011 CFU / g);
B. bifidum SGBO2 (4.5x1011 CFU / g);
Microorganisms of the genus Streptococcus:

S. termophilusSGST-01 (4x1011 CFU / g);
CFU - colony forming unit.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast enriched with zinc and selenium,

form of vitamin B1 - pyridoxine hydrochloride;

form of vitamin B2 - riboflavin;

form of niacin - nicotinic acid amide;

form of vitamin B6 - pyridoxine hydrochloride;

form of pantothenic acid - calcium pantothenate;

form of folic acid - pteroylmonoglutamic acid;

a form of biotin - D-biotin;

form of vitamin B12 - cyanocobalamin.


Recommended intake:

Pour 1 scoop once a day into 250 ml of water, juice or yogurt (one glass) and mix. Consume immediately after mixing. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

A dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet and is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.



Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the product. The product is intended for adults. Do not use in pregnant and lactating women.



Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, out of the reach of small children. After opening, keep the package tightly closed in a refrigerator.


The content of ingredients in the daily portion of the product and the composition on the packaging


Recommended intake: 1 teaspoon of granules (5 g) a day.

Granulate should be poured into a glass of water, juice, muesli or yoghurt and mixed before consumption.

You should drink at least 250 ml of water or fruit juice for each teaspoon (5 g) of the preparation.

It is important to eat a balanced and varied diet and to lead a healthy lifestyle. A dietary supplement is not a substitute for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

A dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet.


6.0 /6
(4 opini)
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Opinie użytkowników (4)

Potwierdzony zakup
2023-07-05 13:19:56
opti Probioto rewelacyjny preparat w walce z nadwrażliwościa jelit typu uszkodzenie mirobiomu jelitowego , wspaniale poradził sobie z problemami u mojego syna Piotra jak również u mnie , polecany probiotyk przy stanach zapalnych jelit i nadwrażliwości na gluten , laktoze, czy inne problemy naczyniowo-sercowe. gorąco polecam produkt sprawdzony.
Potwierdzony zakup
2023-03-30 22:14:50
Gdyby nie ten produkt, zapewne do dzisiaj nie jadłabym surowych warzyw i owoców, nie mówiąc o orzechach. Po kilkumiesięcznym ( 8 miesięcy) systematycznym stosowaniu, problemy trawienne zostały skutecznie wyeliminowane! Gorąco polecam!!!
Potwierdzony zakup
2022-09-07 20:31:10
Dla mnie najlepszy produkt probiotyczny jaki spotkałem. Będąc pacjentem onkologicznym z zespołem jelita drażliwego, uregulowały mi się problemy / uciążliwe/. Produkt warty uwagi - polecam.
Potwierdzony zakup
2022-08-31 17:53:17
Jedyny i niepowtarzalny! Już od paru lat stosuję go przynajmniej raz w roku, aby wesprzeć swoje jelita, a co za tym idzie odporność organizmu i prawdę mówiąc nie pamiętam kiedy ostatnio byłam choćby przeziębiona. Przekonałam się, że już pół miarki dziennie wystarcza i mam go na pełne dwa miesiące, więc wszystkim, którzy szukają dobrego probiotyku mówię " nie znajdziecie lepszego w lepszej cenie".
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